Home / News / Anni Pohto Celebrates Female Power With Her New ‘Everywoman’ Anthem

Anni Pohto Celebrates Female Power With Her New ‘Everywoman’ Anthem


When Your EDM found Ani Pohto and featured her for New Artist Spotlight, she had already released a number of singles showcasing her unique blend of celestial vocal work, jazzy, syncopated beats and bold, honest lyrics. Starting very electronica-based, Pohto’s more recent work has been a bit more analog, although nonetheless chilling and thrilling. With her newest single, “Everywoman,” however, is a return to form, and that form is most definitely feminine.

Nordic cultures have a literally centuries-old tradition of folk music celebrating the divine feminine and with the folk-styled drums permeating every aspect of “Everywoman,” it seems Pohto wants to bring that ancient vibrancy and worship forward to 2021 and , in her mind, clear some things up about the somewhat unnatural dichotomy that exists in genders and gender roles in the modern world.

We all have masculine and feminine features. The fact that we approach femininity on the one hand condescendingly, and on the other with utter disgust and fear tells a lot about our time and our attitudes. 

While contemplating these issues, it seems Pohto was inspired to set the record straight, using ancient music and a modern, spoken-word style declaration of the greatness of feminine power.

Because in reality, femininity is a force of nature that all sexes can draw from. Femininity is water: in one moment a softly flowing river, in another thunderous, life-threathening whitewater. A calm ocean beach, pulling herself into a tsunami bursting over everything. Femininity is not passivity or weakness. It is determined, flowing serenity which will always find its way, and which will mold any obstacle, softening their edges as she goes. 

A beautiful sentiment to go with a powerful song.  In “Everywoman,” Pohto lists the names of powerful and influential women throughout history, as her strong singing voice ties them all together, proclaiming that this power and strength flows trough all of us; all genders, all people. It’s not something to be afraid of, but rather embraced.

The message of “Everywoman” is one steeped in history but it’s also looking to the future for humanity to embrace that feminine power. Released on March 8, international Women’s History Day, “Everywoman” declares that women have a strong and important place in history as well as the future.

“Everywoman” is out now and can be streamed on Spotify.


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