Home / News / Family of Beach Slang’s James Alex respond to accusations of emotional abuse

Family of Beach Slang’s James Alex respond to accusations of emotional abuse


The family of Beach Slang frontman James Alex has responded to accusations of emotional abuse made against him by the band’s former manager, Charlie Lowe.

Last week on Twitter, Lowe alleged that she had endured “constant emotional, psychological & narcissistic abuse from James Alex for years”. She also claimed that she had been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of Alex’s behaviour towards her.

“Fuck his made up music personality. Fuck his fake kindness. Fuck him for using me almost daily. Fuck him for making me want to commit s*****e to get out. Fuck him for my therapy bills & medication. Fuck him for alienating me from everyone I love,” Lowe wrote at the time.

“Fuck him for using me as his goddamn personal servant, on tour & not. For making sure I was always so financially fucked with no other options. For being a textbook narcissist abuser. For making me feel so worthless & alone. I see you clearly now.”

See Lowe’s tweets below.

Lowe went on to share anonymous messages she’d received from others about behaviour they allegedly experienced from Alex. She also alleged the musician had been “emotionally abusing and grooming younger women for decades”.

In a statement posted on Beach Slang’s Instagram account earlier today (January 12), Alex’s family responded to the allegations. In their statement, they say Alex attempted to take his life and is currently receiving treatment in an inpatient facility. They also say he has no plans to return to music, adding that Beach Slang have broken up.

“After a lifetime of suicidal ideation, Beach Slang was simply intended to be an outlet of positivity in rock and roll, and an attempt to heal himself and any sad or broken friends he met along the way. His ‘fake music persona’ wasn’t some façade derived with malice to dupe or harm anyone, it was a coping mechanism created to overcome his struggles,” the statement reads.

“Yes he had moments of compulsiveness, emotional instability, and chaotic relationships, but none of his actions were intentional or meant to hurt or harm anyone, certainly not those who cared for or believed in him. They were an unfortunate result of unimaginable childhood trauma, violent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and years of untreated resultant severe mental health issues.”

The statement goes on to say that Alex has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, paranoid schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder.

“While mental illness does not excuse anyone to cause others emotional duress, it should at least be acknowledged that it may cause one to unknowingly hurt others and themselves with their words and actions. James was starting treatment before these allegations were made, and is now in an inpatient facility after attempting to take his life. He is getting the help he needs and will be on a true path to recovery.”

See the full statement below:

Lowe has since responded to the statement from Alex’s family on Twitter, saying it “effectively silenc[es]” her as a victim.

“PSA past trauma isn’t a blank check to perpetuate more trauma. Thanks for, again, another manipulation tactic,” she tweeted.

“Also that ‘statement’ contains no apology whatsoever nor does it mention me at all, effectively silencing me as the victim & putting the spotlight right back on James for sympathy. It’s unreal how fucking gross this is & continues to be.”

Alex formed Beach Slang in 2013 following the second dissolution of his previous band, Weston. The band’s fourth and final studio album, ‘The Deadbeat Bang of Heartbreak City’, was released in early 2020.

Alex also performed under the moniker Quiet Slang, releasing the 2018 album ‘Everything Matters But No One Is Listening’.

In 2016, Beach Slang fired former guitarist Ruben Gallego following allegations of sexual assault.

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