Justin Bieber’s bodyguards would check his pulse as he slept during height of drug battles


Justin Bieber has revealed that his security guards would sneak into his bedroom to make sure he was alive at the height of his drug addiction.

The Canadian singer’s latest comments come months after he revealed that he first became addicted to taking pills and smoking cannabis when he was just 13.

Speaking in the latest issue of GQ, Bieber explained how his security guards would frequently check his pulse while he slept.

“There was a sense of still yearning for more,” he recalled. “It was like I had all this success and it was still like: ‘I’m still sad, and I’m still in pain. And I still have these unresolved issues.’ And I thought all the success was going to make everything good.

“I just lost control of my vision for my career,” he added.

Justin Bieber (Picture: Getty)

Bieber continued by saying: “In this industry, you’ve got people that unfortunately prey on people’s insecurities and use that to their benefit. And so when that happens, obviously that makes you angry. And then you’re this young angry person who had these big dreams, and then the world just jades you and makes you into this person that you don’t want to be.

“And then you wake up one day and your relationships are fucked up and you’re unhappy and you have all this success in the world, but you’re just like: ‘Well, what is this worth if I’m still feeling empty inside?’

“And so for me, the drugs were a numbing agent to just continue to get through.”

Bieber, who is now sober, also admitted in the GQ interview that his struggles impacted the first year of marriage to his wife, Hailey.

“There was just a lack of trust,” Bieber recalled. “There was all these things that you don’t want to admit to the person that you’re with, because it’s scary. You don’t want to scare them off by saying: ‘I’m scared.’”

Last week saw Bieber drop the surprise EP ‘Freedom’, which came only weeks after the release of his sixth album ‘Justice’.

In a four-star review of ‘Justice‘, NME wrote: “Here he’s back at his best, tapping into his personal experiences – with powerful results.”

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